Sunday 29 January 2012

The big Garden Bird Watch

The weekend started of with the Big Garden Birdwatch

We provide food all year round, we have noticed that the bird that visit our garden like mealworms, they pick these out from the other mixes of seeds, even if the mealworms are within a suet mix. They throw the other 'rubbish' to one side.

To take part, you have to watch for one hour over this weekend then submit your results. I watched whilst making bread and butter pickles.

I counted the following, Blackbird, Collard Dove, Robin, House Sparrow, 2 Feral Pigeons, Starling and a little Jenny Wren.

Results duly sumitted.

Onto Bread and Butter Pickles.

Cucumber, Onions and Pickling Spice in Pickled Vinegar.
According to instructions, 1 tbsp of spice per pint of vinegar, I had half a pint of vinegar, so half tbsp boiled then left to cool for 2 hours.

Its the first time, so I'll let you know.

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