Thursday 3 November 2011

Reasons to be cheerful

3 Reasons to be cheerful

Its a dreary day here, its warm for November, unseasonably so, but it is dreary and damp. I was thinking of going to the allotment, but I think it will be still damp, even this afternoon but we shall see.

So its a look back of the year tim, to warmer nicer things.

Lavender in Abbey Park on our unexepected day out


Our own produce.


Penny said...

Lovely things, I do love Lavender. Thanks for joining in!

* said...

Wow your veg look nice, and I can taste the raspberries too....they taste so much better than from the shops.....I am totally rubbish at growing veg but I will try again next year!

Your reasons are lovely.....cake is definitely a jolly good reason!

Marigold said...

Yum! Cake. It looks awesome. A great reason to be cheerful!

greenthumb said...

Those raspberries look yummy, can't wait till mine come.