Sunday, 26 August 2012

Flower and Produce Show

The annual Flower and Produce show has come around again.

It was mentioned earlier in the year at our allotment that there might not be so much produce on the show benches this year, due to the poor weather and we were right.

 If this has been your first year growing, then not all years are this bad.

This section is various craft items from a hard material.

The postcard at the bottom of the picture is a hard material. Maybe clay?

Jubilee Year.

This is good fun isn't it? Can you spot the caterpillar?

Its on the cabbage, middle of the photo at the bottom.

 We wondered why these ice creams were not melting.

Its Victoria Sponge actually baked in the cones, then butter cream whipped on the top.

And finally......

1 comment:

greenthumb said...

What a sham that the weather has been so bad, but it still looks fun.